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Photo of a duck floating.

Words that rhyme with -oat

List of words that end with a "oat " sound

Photo of rolled oats in a jar
Rolled oats are oat grains that have first had the hard outer husk removed, then they are flattened by heavy rollers, lightly steamed and toasted. Rolled oats can be used to bake cookies or cakes, but most often they are cooked on their own to make porridge.
Photo of a stoat, or ermine

Sis forStoat

Scientific name: mustela erminea
A stoat, also called an ermine, is a kind of small weasel. Its coat changes from brown in summer to white in winter in cold areas. Sometimes only a white stoat is called an ermine. Stoats, like other weasels, are quick hunters and eat small animals and insects.
Photo of a lady's neck.

Tis forThroat

Your throat is the tube inside your neck that leads to your stomach.
Photo of a man wearing a trenchcoat
A trenchcoat is a type of jacket that is generally waterproof and knee-length. It was originally designed in the 1850s to be worn by soldiers.

Vis forVote

Voting is a way for a large group of people to come to an agreement about something. Everyone writes their decision on a piece of paper, then all the individual votes are counted up and the majority wins. Most people are familiar with voting for a President or Prime Minister at election time.
Photo of a man wearing a waistcoat
A waistcoat is a kind of jacket with no sleeves. Waistcoats can be made from ordinary fabric and buttoned up like in the picture, or knitted.
Photo of a hand writing.

Wis forWrote

Wrote is the past tense of write, for example "I wrote my penpal a letter".