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Photo of someone knitting.

Words that rhyme with -it

List of words that end with a "it " sound

Photo of a lit candle

Lis forLit

Lit is the past tense of light. It might be used to describe how good the light in a room is, for example "the room was brightly lit", or it might describe something that was set alight, "she lit the candle".
Oven mitts.

Mis forMitt

A mitt is a glove that is worn to protect your hand from something. For example, oven mitts protect your hands from heat.

Nis forNit

Nits is the common name given to the eggs of human head lice. The lice lay their eggs attached to the hair, which you can see in the picture. Nits aren't much thicker than your hair, and can me mistaken for dandruff.
Photo of a black and a white kitten

Ois forOpposite

Two things are opposites if they are as different to each other as possible. Some examples of opposites are black and white, good and bad, little and big.
A satellite in orbit.

Ois forOrbit

An orbit is the path that an object follows around another object, especially a planet or other celestial body. For example, Earth orbits the sun, and satellites orbit Earth.

Pis forPit

A pit is a large hole in the ground, usually dug for some purpose. A pit can be used for drainage disposal of waste, water storage, or even as a trap to catch animals or people. A pit can also mean a single, large seed found in the center of many fruits.
Photo of a rabbit

Ris forRabbit

The rabbit is a small animal found in many parts of the world. In Australia, rabbits are the single worst introduced pest. Rabbits make good pets, if they are properly looked after.

Sis forSandpit

A sandpit, also called a sandbox, is a small walled area filled with sand that children can play in.
Photo of someone sitting on a chair.

Sis forSit

You sit down when you put most of your weight on your bottom, on a surface like a chair or sofa. Sitting down is usually more comfortable than standing up.
Photo of a slit skirt

Sis forSlit

A slit is a straight, narrow cut in something, and to slit something means you are making such a cut. The woman in the picture is wearing a skirt that has a slit in one side, which makes it easier to walk in.