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Photo of a cage

Words that rhyme with -age

List of words that end with a "age " sound

Photo of an orange note

Mis forMessage

A message is a piece of information that is sent or given to someone. It is also an important idea that someone is trying to express in a speech, movie or book.
Photo of pages from a book

Pis forPage

A page is a piece of paper which has writing or images print on it. Books are made of pages that are bound together.
Photo of a parrot

Pis forPlumage

Plumage is the name collectively given to all the feathers on a bird.

Sis forSage

Scientific name: salvia officinalis
Sage is a shrub originally from the Mediterranean region. It has pale greyish furry leaves, and grows all year around. Is used to flavour fatty meat dishes, and as an ingredient in sausages in some countries. It is very commonly used with onions as stuffing for chicken or pork.
Photo of wastewater treatment

Sis forSewage

Sewage is the waste that is found in sewers. It is mostly waste water from houses, including everything you flush down your toilet.
Photo of a theatre stage

Sis forStage

A stage is a platform where people sing or put on some other form of entertainment for the audience watching them. The stage is usually in the center of a large room or area full of seats where people can sit and watch.
Photo of a storage cupboard

Sis forStorage

Storage describes the use of any kind of container that you can put things in when you are not using them. You can use a cupboard as storage, or some boxes, or a cellar or basement.
Photo of some vintage items

Vis forVintage

Something is vintage if it is old. Vintage is another word for antique.Old cars and clothing are generally described as vintage, if they are in good condition. Vintage things may or may not be valuable, depending on how many people want to own them and how rare they are.