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Plants that start with Q

Plants that start with Q

The most well-known plants and fungi, listed by their common names.
Photo of a quandong

Qis forQuandong

Scientific name: santalum acuminatum
Quandongs are a type of fruit found in Australia, and are also known as the native peach. They are semi-parasitic and will get some nutrients from the roots of nearby trees and plants. Quandongs grow right across Australia, even in the dryest areas. The fruit itself had a big seed and a very thin coating of fruit on the outside. The seeds are textured and can be made into interesting jewelry. Quandongs can be used to make jam and pies.

Qis forQuince

Scientific name: cydonia oblonga
The Quince is native to southwest. It is a small deciduous tree growing 5-8 m tall and 4-6 m wide. It is related to apples and pears. The quince has a pear-shaped fruit that is bright yellow when it is ripe.